

FIBERCHECK GMBH [DE]. Strain sensor and method for manufacturing a strain sensor. Inventors: T. Mäder, B. Senf, I. Navarro y de Sosa, P. Wolf und T. Meyhöfer. Registration: April, 22nd 2016. DE. DE102016107464 (B3).


Mäder, T., Navarro y de Sosa, I., B. Senf, P. Wolf, M. Hamm, M. Zoch and W.-G. Drossel, 2017. Shape memory strain gauges. In: PROCEEDINGS – AMA Conferences 2017, pp. 478-482. ISBN 978-3-9816876-4-4. available online:

Senf, B., T. Mäder, I. Navarro y de Sosa, A. Bucht, M. Knobloch, D. Löpitz and W.-G. Drossel, 2017. Sensing and Actuating Functions by Shape Memory Alloy Wires Integrated into Fiber Reinforced Plastics [online]. Procedia CIRP, 66, pp. 249-253. ISSN 22128271. available online: doi:10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.291

Mäder, T., Navarro y de Sosa, I., B. Senf, P. Wolf, M. Hamm, M. Zoch and W.-G. Drossel, 2017. Highly Elastic Strain Gauges Based on Shape Memory Alloys for Monitoring of Fibre Reinforced Plastics [Online]. In: A.S. Herrmann, Hg. 21st Symposium on Composites, pp. 778-785. ISBN 978-3-0357-1198-1. available online: https://​​/​KEM.742.778



The goal of FGLSensOPro is the development and the evaluation of a practical and cost-efficient sensor system for prothesis and orthesis applications. The sensors will be embedded into a reinforced composite material of the medical components. Shape memory thin films are going to be used as strain sensitive sensor material with high elasticity and and an excellent fatigue resistance.


The goal of FGL-RissSensor is the crack detection and the crack width quantification in concrete structures by means of shape-memory alloy sensors. In order to reach this, the development of sensor materials, of processes for the sensor integration and of sensor systems is done. The sensor technology is going to be evaluated in bridge structure.

  • run-time:11/2018 - 04/2021
  • involved project partners:
    • Marx Krontal GmbH,
    • Ingpuls GmbH,
    • TU Dresden,
    • TU Chemnitz,
    • Hentschke Bau GmbH

ElRoSens (Innovation Network)

The Innovation Network ElRoSens (elastic, robust and sensitive loading sensors) is focused on a new sensor technology to measure strain. It has an immense potential to promote sensing in new applications. The new sensors are more sensitive, more elastic and comprise a lower price in comparison to standard strain sensors. The new technology is based on a novel sensing material, which strongly changes it's electrical resistance when strained. This novel sensors are ideal for structural monitoring of composites and plastics due to the excellent fatigue behaviour at higher strain amplitues.

  • Partners:
    • Acquandas GmbH,
    • CONTAG AG,
    • FiberCheck GmbH,
    • inca-fiber GmbH,
    • Ingpuls GmbH,
    • memetis GmbH